The site, where I purchased this key, doesn't even offer official Microsoft installation files (like "X16-32180.iso" or "X16-32254.exe") - instead they gave me a DL link to some site, where I downloaded a zip-File and when I unpacked it, I couldn't believe it: there is not a single installation EXE or ISO, but a whole bunch of folders (each folder for one Office program - one for Word, one for Excel, one for Outlook, and so on), an autorun.inf file, a README.htm and a Setup.exe - the latter one is the "Microsoft Setup Bootstrapper".

I already tried my key on that site - the message said, it's "either not valid or not supported on this site". The link You gave is exactly the same one like the one I gave in my starting post - like I said, that is only for regular editions of Office, not special editions (like "Professional Plus") exclusively confined to volume licences, MSDN licences or other "special" licence models. I might be interested in obtaining one as well. If so, please let me know where you bought it.